Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

Find Your Age-Based Income Percentile Rank

Building on our previous data visualization exercise, we've now gone the extra mile and built a tool you can use to estimate what your percentile income ranking is for your age group!

U.S. Distribution of Income by Age Group, 2012

Just enter your data in our tool below, and we'll do the math, which is based on the age-based distribution of income in the United States for 2012 as reported by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Age and Income Data
Input Data Values
Select Your Age Group
Enter Your Total Money Income

Where You Rank Among Your Age Group
Calculated Results Values
Your Income Percentile Ranking Within Your Age Group

Some quick notes - the data from which we built this tool doesn't provide a lot of detail at either the lowest end of the income spectrum or at the highest end. As a result, if your entered income places you below the 5th percentile or above the 95th percentile for your age group, we can only tell you that you fall into that percentile range as our tool's accuracy appears to break down below and above those levels.

We're also experimenting with how to incorporate the code behind our tool directly in this post. If you find the tool doesn't work when you first try to access it on our site, please check back later - we'll have it up and running as soon as our time allows.

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